Christine(Rancid Trans Fem)
⚠️ WARNING ⚠️: is_lewd == True
no alt main account because I'm aplatonic so what's the point?
electronics nerd, sub, former sex worker, very gay, married but not "taken", she/her/they (in the plural and futa way)
SPECIAL NOTE: if you're not transfem i'm not accepting your friend request rn.
pfp is me from October 2017
note to satisfy accounts requiring age in profile: I'm over 18 and I think you can tell that from my pfp and media tab, but if not that's super flattering lol.
Flowercrown Foxgirl, et al.
she/they, nonbinary transfeminine plural system, (mostly) lesbians, aceflux?, polyamorous, autistic, anarchists, goofy, geeky (computers, audio/music, sci-fi), caring.
New account but not new to the fediverse.
Chronologically 40ish but mentally/appearancewise 25/30ish (thanks plural/queer time and/or estradiol :P).