SPONGES are becoming cheaper in consequence of the introduction into general use of diving machines, which greatly facilitate the fishery for the article.
Creative AI, NLP, data science, infovis, narrative, sci fi. Consultant in France. Bio: Ph.D. Linguistics at Stanford, studied online community, worked in industry as UX & user researcher, then data science and infovis, now doing mostly #NLP and creative AI consulting. I use #spaCy and am interested in knowledge extraction. More hashtags: #AI #ML #digitalhumanities #procgen #games #datascience #narrative
crzwdjk ✅
Brian Whitman
personalization, music, weird audio hardware (Alles, Tulip), now: new startup. was: founder at Canopy (acquired by CNN) & Echo Nest (acquired by Spotify).
Lacci 🐇
☘️ Notre Dame Alum ⚛️ Physicist (no PhD (yet?)) 🖋️ Pen Fan 🐇 Cottontail enthusiast 🐰 Photographer 📷 #MentalIllnessSucks 💉 #Hemochromatosis🩸 #OCD ξ
Säätäjä @ Vaasa Hacklab, koodari @ Kepit Systems. Lyhyt-email: m@🎲🤖.ws
posts are not intended for other-creature consumption
charlie cummings
Systems programming, compilers, cybersecurity
Peter Meilstrup
:: Likes motion, textures, 2 wheeled optic flow generators
:: Vision science PhD, #rstats developer / #dataviz #datascience practitioner, other trivial pursuits
:: he/they
Comandante Supremo De Las Fuerzas Armadas Del Bronx
Elixir in Prod since 2017
Sam Lifson-Neubardt
Systems just aren’t made of bricks they’re mostly made of people
rowan • דרור לייב
.אין ציון חוץ לאיפה שאתם נמצאים
#TikkunOlam is praxis; that is Torah and the rest is commentary. posts do not represent my employer/educational institutions.
#Jewish; Chumash/Fernadeño Tatiavam/Tongva land.
#Genderqueer #Nonbinary #Transgender, #Disabled #Deaf #HardOfHearing #Neurodivergent.
#SpeechImpairment #SpeechImpediment #AAC #AmericanSignLanguage #PidginSignedEnglish.
#ReligiousStudies, #JewishStudies, #CivicAndCommunityEngagement at #CSUN; autodidact.
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transplanting flowers
hoooooo oh boy wow im in the annexe