Just a Cat catzilla@toot.cat
I'm a cat, like everyone else on the internet
I talk about #running #cycling #cats #fitness #film and #tv (no prejudice, I watch everything and don't judge) and sometimes #tech, but I try not to.
I will like all your cat, food and tech meme posts but will unfollow if you post politics and generally upsetting news without a cw.
ghose GtS @ghose@gts.xmgz.eu
Amics per sempre!!
One Man Orchestra and Admin here 🦥
you most likely want to follow @ghose
🗣️/ħʊse/ - he/him
GL | EN | ES
🗨️ Jabber: ghose [at] movim . eu
🚀 gemini:gem.xmgz.eu
Son xosem/ghose de sempre