#linux, #books, and #coffee. living in #Taiwan.
#pinephone #fedi22 #SelfHosting #privacy #Fedora #FedoraSilverblue #boardGames #crete
Technical Analyst (no, i don't own casino money doge-- I only trade it on occasion), Gym addict🏄, No Agenda fan🌴🇺🇸 🇮🇹
ZEN TRADER 🧘 - a relaxing and safe way to make profits
Fiorella Bourgeois
PhD candidate in sociology @EHESS_fr : central administration, transformation of legal and moral norms, politics & tech in Taiwan
Tweet about Taiwan, France (& occasionally China)
#FreeSoftware #PragmaticSociology
fr, eng, 中文, R 💻
「南國來的孩子」「願我自己的靈魂堅實」 for English toots.
Favil Orbedios
Rust enthusiast
I'm very interested in free software and licensing of art and the written word. I'm a member-owner of a local brewpub cooperative. I use SDF and Tilde pub-nixes as well as self host what I can.
At 19:00 UTC Monday through Friday I'm on doing a 30 minute news show. I read news I've found around the web.
My preferred pronouns are He/Him/His.
Kerim Friedman 傅可恩
Taiwan-based anthropologist.
:meiling_dance: Nishi :netbsd: :vim: :firefox:
:chirumiru: :chirumiru: :chirumiru:
:netbsd: NetBSD, Old tech, and random stuffs
Am a Japanese ; my English is prob not good.
@NishiOwO on
@nishiowo on SDF
@kawa on Asbestos Cafe
/home/nishi#9519 on Discord is my email
i like hong meiling
i manage @meiling
podboq :arch:
Confused new user
#music student, fueled by #coffee and #books. Love exploring and learning about anything and everything - currently learning #日本語 #Japanese, and trying to get used to the #linux and #FOSS lifestyle.
Normand C. :postmarketos:
He/him. GNU/Linux and FOSS enthusiast. I used to be active in the #FreeCAD community. Current interests include running Linux on the #Pinephone, especially #Phosh, and #selfhosting. I also like watching or reading #scifi, #cycling, play #acoustic #guitar, and am a cat person.
Je parle français.
Lydia Conwell
Writer or artist or something. Probably nothing. - London.
I love avant-garde stuff, love noisy music. I'm currently into John Coltrane. Got shit I've written on Smashwords.
Menno Finlay-Smits
Curious about all kinds of technology but especially software development and decarbonisation. Dad. Climber.