ghose GtS

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Amics per sempre!!

One Man Orchestra and Admin here 🦥
you most likely want to follow @ghose

🗣️/ħʊse/ - he/him

GL | EN | ES

🗨️ Jabber: ghose [at] movim . eu

Son xosem/ghose de sempre



Michal Bryxí 🌱

🏃🏻‍♂️ + 🪂 + 🧗‍♂️ + ⛷️ + 🌱


Data scientist, once a physicist, runner (often with a map). Middle Jutland, Denmark.


Español | English

Aficionado a la música, en particular a la guitarra. Usuario de GNU con Linux-libre y de otros poyectos libres. Colaboro, entre otras cosas, con la traducción de algunos de ellos. Me interesan la filosofía, las caminatas al aire libre y las luchas por los derechos humanos.

Amateur musician (mainly guitarist). GNU/Linux and libre software user. I'm interested in philosophy, trekking and I fight for human rights.


Small-time opensource developer, big-time opensource user from #Slovakia.

I like to #run.


robyn ✨

🚲 urban utility cyclist (acoustic & #ebike)
😲 thinks that people who walk, bike, or roll shouldn't have to fear for their lives
💻 numbers monkey in #tech by day

posts / geeks out mostly about:
🚲 #yegbike #urbanism #bikeTooter #running
🌇 #yeg #Edmonton #yegcc #yegwx

and also:
🎮 #VideoGames #retroGaming
💼 #antiHustleCulture #consciousWork
🖥 #FOSS #privacy

'That girl,' tutted Alsana as her front door slammed, 'swallowed an encyclopedia and a gutter at the same time.' - Zadie Smith, White Teeth