soloojos (GotoSocial)

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Huertero Anarquista disperso.

Santiago, Chile.



From Barcelona but my heart is divided between Okinawa and Asturias. #Teacher of #Spanish but always learning. At the moment trying to learn about #gardening 🪴and #chickens 🐓. #catlady

Trei Tos

Fatal vacío.
Humano incompleto e inconforme con la humanidad (sociedad), imaginando formas distintas de existir y convivir. Simplemente soy nadie condenado a ser alguien y vivir en conflicto.

Dispuesto a conversar sobre
#Ciencia, #CienciaAbierta, #SoftwareLibre, #Videojuegos, Cyber/Solar/Atom/Steam-Punk, #Veganismo, #Naturaleza, #Filosofía, entre otros.


It is more than observing. It is about acting. Co-funded by Horizon Europe 🌍

#CitizenObservatories #CitizenScience


Perdimos 13 años en Twitter

мøяø ηø Ḱḯмḯ Ⓐ🏴‍☠️🏳️‍⚧️

The trees cry out as they die, but you cannot hear them. I lie here. I listen to the pain of the forest.


In this house we believe: ACAB, eating the rich is vegan, guillotine the politicians, the only appropriate time to poop is company time and most importantly, death to America.

altaVeu :01d:

Si ho sents, ho veus.

#Radio #Podcast #Video #Audio #Cinema #Natura #Politica

Som a la Sisena Gran Extinció de la vida a la Terra...



CNT Cornellà i Comarca

Sindicat d'Oficis Varis de Cornellà, adherit a la CNT

Ryan 🧜🏳️‍⚧️

I love drag, wealth redistribution, bops, and retro gaming. Non-binary, AuDHD, and kind of a bitch. My opinions are always improving.

ilegal 100pre

Gaemy :blobCatWitch:

No suelo publicar muchas cosas :blobCatComfyUwu:

:antifa: :flagBisexual: :flagTransgender: :flagNonBinary:

#TheOwlHouse #MonsterHigh #Queer