Кавказ.Реалии kavkazr@budmo.info

Open on budmo.info

⎔ lukas discrust ⎔ @lukaso666@chaos.social

:anarchismred: :anarchistflagblack: :antifa: 💣 🌿
📚 📻 ☕ 🧉 🚬
🛵 🎧 💻 🔒 🏒

Azriel Notdreemurr @aznas@md.ilyamikcoder.com

some gayest trash lmao

mixed jewish ✡️ (fuck israel) from Ural, parasian system, ancom anqueer antifa, AuADHD ♾️, PTSD, OCD and BPD

agender :agender: aroace :aroace: and veldian (gay man) :gay:

queer 🏳️‍🌈 🏳️‍⚧️ and neurodivergent by all thougths

all the posts about how I want to sleep :tone_joke:

fedi birthday is: 15th november, 2021

and many more interesting things...

i write on russian and english / пишу на русском и английском

**❗️ I'm impulsive and with a lot of mental illnesses traumas and neurodiversity. you've been warned...***


azriel not dreemurr :QueerCat_Autism: @aznas@snowdin.town

yes, instancehopping

some gayest trash lmao

mixed jewish from Ural, plural, ancom anqueer antifa, AuADHD

foxxo enjoyer :ablobfoxbongo:

uranic nebularomantic demisexual libramasculine xenagender

queer 🏳️‍🌈 🏳️‍⚧️ and neurodivergent by all thougths

all the posts about how I want to sleep /jk

fedi birthday is: 15th november, 2021

and many more interesting things...

i write on russian and english / пишу на русском и английском

***❗️ I'm impulsive and with a lot of mental illnesses traumas and neurodiversity. you've been warned...***


хурма ✖️ @hurma@mas.to

Из семейства Эбеновых. Та ещё.

Владимир @rambo@toot.wales

Astrau @astrau@mastodon.world

Born and raised in Riga, Latvia. Cancersurvivor.
Various hobbies and interests: books, movies, pets, NFL, politics

Anatoly @stork@mastodon.social

Budzentr @Sergey1970@mastodon.social

Victor @barmaley55@mastodon.social

Шамиль Гаджиевич @shoom2005@mastodon.social

Mulya @mulya@mastodon.social


AvisSerg @AvisSerg@mastodon.social