Max :verified:
Developer, import-Fries, meervoudig vader, professioneel moeilijkdoener, FAANG-verfoeier, hekelhebber aan monocultuur, hondenmens, Android-liefhebber, OpenSUSE-fan, IOT-prutser, blogger, screeching voice of the minority. Patat/spaties/vim. Senior potato. Nederlands / English.
- Blogt op :dnzm:
- Heeft een alt op @doenietzomoeilijk
- Was Twitter al beu voordat dat cool was
Nieuw in de fediverse? helpt je op weg!
Olivier Slabbers :mastodon:
Was eigenlijk wel toe aan wat nieuws. Was vroeger in de muskiverse te vinden als @oli4k.
Infosec enthusiast • Dad • D&Dork • ASD • Incorrigible know-it-all
Kenneth Freeman
Refugee from the law of averages.
My avatar is myself, a smiling sexagenarian male wearing a red robe; I have a luxurious mustache and am wearing faux tortoise shell glasses and a grey knit cap red, yellow, and blue stripe running from my left eye upwards.
The header is an upper portion of a map of the
city limits of Boise, Idaho in red. It resembles a gerrymandered congressional district; the phallic indentation is Garden City's Gambia to Boise's Senegal.
Arjen Haayman
Webontwikkelaar, rijdt in een banaan (velomobiel/ligfiets), improv theater, ( Jiddisch koor. Tja wat kun je allemaal over jezelf vertellen, we moeten elkaar maar gewoon leren kennen? Hier ben ik waarschijnlijk toch weer anders dan aan de 'overkant'
Yoga enthusiast, writer. Co-authored a book once, now writing (as yet unpublished) children’s stories. ADHD. She/her. I like kindness, intelligent conversation, respect and an open mind. Wife to @Saket, and mom to two wonderful aneurotypical kids and a cat. Call me out if I ever spew nonsense!
Sebastian Hagens
Vader, ondernemer, webdeveloper, techconsultant | voorvechter van digitale autonomie #decentraal | admin op van @nieuw_westbrabant | #wielrennen & #gravel Cervélo Aspero | #circuit Honda Civic | Most of my toots are Dutch, find my English toots at @sebastix
“Maak van jouw verwachting niet mijn verplichting” #pluralist #stoïcijn
Lurker. Presses keys for a living. Interested in infosec and identity stuff. Likes ride a bike. 🇳🇱🚴♂️👨💻🪪
Pronouns: He/Him
@ClaudetteK’s husband.
Likes tech, SF/Fantasy, TTRPGs and good conversations. Often wacky. Mostly harmless.
I believe that we need kindness and connection to solve the challenges we face today. We also need the determination to do better & hold those accountable who put greed above a living, equitable world.
Freelance Web Developer. Wants to automate everything, if not possible I’ll still find a way to do so. Likes stuff related to DevOps and #Bitcoin
Timo Bakx
Webdeveloper at Linku Nijmegen, building things with PHP, Symfony and API Platform. Symfony CARE team member.
Jelle van der Pal
ICT-ondernemer met subsidie . #Humanist - Heeft relatie met de liefste 💞💘 - Wandelt veel rondjes
Art - Graphics - Animation