Michal Hrušecký michal@social.hrusecky.net
#opensource enthusiast living in Prague who likes to play with #SBC, uses and contributes to #openSUSE :geeko: and currently works on #Turris :turris:. Apart from that #sysadmin loving #saltstack and C/C++ #programmer.
Additional hashtags for #fedi22 or #fedi23 and #tootfinder: #linux #foss #floss #opensource searchable tfr
Jozef Mlich @jmlich@fosstodon.org
Works as developer in GreyCortex. Studied at FIT VUT Brno.
Volunteers on OpenAlt Conference. Contributes to various open source projects. Flies with microlight airplanes. Interested about alternative mobile operating systems such as Nemomobile, Ubuntu Touch, or postmarketOS.
luke__666 @luke__666@mastodon.xyz
#NoNationsNoBorders #FCKPTN #FCKNZS #ACAB
#gravelbike #roadbike #cycling #mountains #dog #planespotting
#RaspberryPi #PocketCHIP #Devuan #Slackware #Linux
#hardcore #punk #twotone #reggae
Jan Krupa @jankrupa@mastodon.social
I'm a software engineer, infrastructure architect, embedded devices tinkerer and also founder of a couple of interesting online services. Currently, my main focus is the development of https://touchpine.com version monitoring tool.
GoodMirek @goodmirek@fosstodon.org
FOSS enthusiast
Long-term Fedora Linux user
Participating in FOSS crowdfunding
OpenAlt @openalt@mastodon.social
Parta lidí z Linux v Brně
a Openmobility. Pořádali jsme konference #LinuxAlt a #Openmobility, nyní chystáme #OpenAlt. Máme sraz každý třetí pátek v měsíci.
Neil @redpola@mastodon.social
Nobody, nothing, and never.
Daniel Barlow @dan@brvt.telent.net
czr @czr@fosstodon.org
FOSS/technology enthusiast hailing from the west coast of Finland.
Vlastimil Ott @plastique@mastodonczech.cz
Živím se #WordPress, žiju v #Opava