
Open on

Marxist, law graduate, civil servant, writer, coder. Blind.
Location: Galicia, Spain, EU.
Interests: #writing #poetry #sf #rust #coq #marxism #tech #erotica #bdsm #kink
Languages: en es gl de eo
Funniest way someone tried and failed to insult me: commander of the queer communist revolutionary corps.
Personal blog:


Carlos Esteban Martínez Macías

Músico (pianista) e interesado en la tecnología accesible. Persona con ceguera total.


zu testzwecken


Loves fountain pens, BTS, poetry, science fiction and fantasy. She/her. From the Philippines. Looking for fellow ARMYs.

Dendan Setia (Nins)

mefite. Malaysian. check pinned. will boost/share stuff on human culture esp: Southeast Asia, media & comms, politics.

Dendan Setia is actually a fictional character from a hikayat. IRL I'm just an evaluation person.

my website is also fedified: @nina

Angelo Veltens

software developer by heart, trying to build great software, that serves people. Therefore interested in #softwarequality, #softwarecrafting, #uxthinking and #agile software development

To bring back control over our digital lives I care about #openweb, #foss, #datasovereignty #interoperabilty and am actively working on the #solidproject

We need to talk more about #software & #ethics and the impact of #digitization on #society!

#fedi22 #searchable

Luis Ferk. Mosquera

¡Hi, Mastodon!
–Que el miedo y el silencio no sean protagonistas ante la injusticia, la indiferencia y la hipocresía.
–La opinión y la crítica constan de un criterio moral: ya te digo...🔍
#CulturaGeneral #Mundo #Política #NoRacism

Egor Olegovich Yakovlev

Not an anarchist, not anymore.


Traslado de sede del gob. del Tártaro por defunción del anterior casero.

Egor Olegovich Yakovlev

Lives in Lower Yeltsovka of novosibirsk, russia (bad, bad country)

Studies assembler, Rust, Java, bash, Inkscape, and occasionally C

Knows nothing
Doesn't work


Hello there,. My name is Nick and I'm a senior in #College studying #BusinessManagement. I also happen to be #Blind. I'm into #Sports with my favorite professional teams being the #Rams, #Lakers, and #Dodgers. I also like #Tennis, #Golf, and sometimes, #NassCar. I sometimes talk #Politics but not very much.. When it comes to adult conversations, I enjoy the more #lude ones because its fun so expect that. I'm in the #Kink community and I'm proud about it. I like making new friends.


my name is gabe and i read alot // jewish, gay and annoying sleepy 22 year old

Usually knitting, crocheting or reading. Or all of the above at once.

previously & &

admin for & (rip)

im planning on migrating eventually when gotosocial allows account migration, feel free to follow there if we're mutuals in the meantime :)