
Open on

Marxist, law graduate, civil servant, writer, coder. Blind.
Location: Galicia, Spain, EU.
Interests: #writing #poetry #sf #rust #coq #marxism #tech #erotica #bdsm #kink
Languages: en es gl de eo
Funniest way someone tried and failed to insult me: commander of the queer communist revolutionary corps.
Personal blog:




Disabled. Neurodivergent.
Interdisciplinary Creative.
Intersectionality in everything.


Perdimos 13 años en Twitter

Shy bunny

wildlife photographer
transbian (she/her)
hypothetically polyamorous
socialist, warm to anarchist thinking
code bunny (video & embedded)
probably near London or SF

(Banner image is a 90's style squiggle in trans flag colors. Icon is a bust of me as a cybernetic hare, artwork by Djinni)

Follow requests can take me a very long time to deal with.

a Sapoconcha Tradutora

Algo bióloga e moi tradutora (GL, ES, EN).
Adicta a aprender idiomas, 现在学着汉语.
Synesthesia enjoyer (as palabras teñen cores).
Lévome ben cos gatos e coas pegas.
Ela, ella, she/her, 她.

Kat Moss

Amateur pianist and lover of all things tech. programming languages: C#, Powershell, Python. Operating systems: Windows and OpenSUSE. Guides: Odin, Frigg, and various Fae. I love and respect all beings whether human, Fae, deity, or otherwise. The time will come when technologists and environmentalists can work together.

Kol B

Aquí estoy al fin, llevándome una buena sorpresa. Interesado en aprender, picando de muchas cosas. El conocimiento me persigue pero yo soy más rápido.
"Lo que sea que hice, lo hice por los loles".


Apassionada dels viatges🗺, friki🧚🏻‍♀️, familia expat vivint a Irlanda👨‍👩‍👦🦮🦮🇮🇪, i cega👩‍🦯
Devoradora de llibres, sobretot literatura fantàstica i novel·la històrica.
Passionate about travel, expat family living in Ireland, geek, and blind.
Devourer of books, especially fantasy and historical novels.

mannaz / मनीषा

Mealybug murderer and hater of ants that farm the mealybugs!

#Neuroscientist by training, Independent #DataScientist by profession, trying to not be boxed by these labels though..

Interested in #Sustainability, #ScientificReform, #AcademicReform, #PublicPolicy, #Cooperatives, #FOSS, #governance



Software engineer, socialist. Easily distracted by jam.


who the fuck am I? I'll tell you when I find out

I'm always right: I'm the admin of, and I'm a cat. 🐱

Mayuunesa :dverified:

Soy un joven estudiante/trabajador comunista de 21 años harto de su situación laboral y estudiantil

Mi familia me dijo que dejaría de ser comunista cuando trabajara, cuando empecé a trabajar me dijeron que cuando tuviese mas años se me iría la "tontería", ahora que estoy a las puertas de los 22 me dicen que no tengo remedio.

Estoy estudiando un grado superior de desarrollo web.