playing around with #gotosocial
Fearful white Firefly - insane by design - always try to look at the bright side of life. Be nice. - StubenHacker - im Netz seit ca. 1986 - Überlebender - PTBS
Früher mal im NOC - irgendwas mit Funk und so... Nordlicht.
Pronomen: er/ihn
| no fascism | no racism |
Software developer, Musician, Linux enthusiast.
Luricaun the Smoothiecaun
Not tiny | dreams of a better world | uses punctuation | open source <3 | federation <3 | old but not wise | dancing like no one is watching | encrypts like everyone is
Inhaber einer Siegerurkunde der Bundesjugendspiele 1985.
Team F90.0
Moin from Kiel!
I'm interested in different forms of leftist and environmentalist politics and activism, sustainability, linux, bicycles, privacy and other stuff.
Feel free to send a follow request, my account is just locked to keep annoying people out.
Here to talk about climate crisis, sustainability, urban gardening, bikes, creative coding, music, sound design, field recordings. he/him | ger/eng
Current focus: #tea #permacomputing #degrowth
Through all windows I only see ♾.
Grumpy greybeard. Anachronistic and impulsive. I'm here for whatever.
Collecting: Images, random thoughts, tech for humans, sometimes work.
You're most likely welcome here.
Est'd 1977.
DevOps Engineer, Dad, Hundepapa.
Ziemlich links, macht dieses "vegan".
Schlechte Wortwitze, laute Musik, Computerkram 😍 Admin-Team 😬
Squirrel News
Lösungsorientierte #Nachrichten-App. Handverlesen, kostenlos, gemeinnützig.
Turquoise Dream Bird
I'm music. I'm breath. I'm rainbow.
Father of two, opinionated, professional geek, runs his own company and finds people very, very fascinating.
New Old Stock, slightly damaged
Came for the music - Stayed for the |redacted|
He/Him - Ⓥ
Holds the © for BA™AN
Posts and Boosts only with AltText
Hier gibt es Kreatives: #Gedichte, #Zeichnungen, #Mandalas, #Fotos. Je nach Laune wechselnd. Unregelmäßig Einträge über Selbsthilfe bei posttraumatischer Belastungsstörung (#PTBS) und Anregungen zur #Notfallvorsorge. Natürlich auch #Alltagskram. Renote/Boost von Niedlichem, Aufmunterndem, Selbsthilfe und Krisenvorsorge.
Über mich: