Ruben @ Skyfritt AS
Programmerer bosatt i Larvik. Er (blant annet) interessert i åpen kildekode, digitalt personvern og ruspolitikk. Jeg har også en internasjonal/engelskspråklig og nederlandsk konto:
– @ruben_int
– @ruben_nl
Disse kontoene driftes på fastvare i eget hjem så sporadisk nedetid kan forekomme en sjelden gang iblant 🤓
Arnfinn Pettersen
He/him with a camera. Shooting Oslo, Norway. Because it's there. And so am I. Mostly. Professional humanist. But not that fond of people.
Benjamin Brinckmann
I am a dutch freelance artist, living in Norway, with a huge passion for the natural world and it's history.
I'd otherwise describe myself as a Cinephile and an outdoor-life enthusiast, even going so far as to get a bachelor's degree in it at the University of Sørøst-Norge. Thus I also work as a nature guide and have recently become a published author on the subject of living outdoors and learning about nature.
Teacher - Maths, music and social studies.
Nerd - Board games, tech and well made stuff. Some current favourites are Hansa Teutonica, Cleanshot X and loopwheeled sweatshirts.
Music - Bass (’61 P-bass) in a band called Klondike. Aspiring rig builder, under the name Erlend Mekker Nice.
Blog - Trying to collect my weird thoughts on my varied interest over at (🇳🇴🇬🇧).
Dog - Vincent. Eurasier and good boy.
Oslo, Norway
Teacher - Maths, music and social studies.
Nerd - Board games, tech and well made stuff. Some current favourites are Hansa Teutonica, Cleanshot X and loopwheeled sweatshirts.
Music - Bass (’61 P-bass) in a band called Klondike. Aspiring rig builder, under the name Erlend Mekker Nice.
Blog - Trying to collect my weird thoughts on my varied interest over at (🇳🇴🇬🇧).
Dog - Vincent. Eurasier and good boy.
Oslo, Norway
Erlend Markussen Saltnes
Jurist fra sørlandet | Norwegian lawyer
Interessert i mye rart - spill, linux, manga/anime, teknologi ++
Har verken IT-utdanning eller sykkel, men prøver å finne meg tilrette på snabelplassen likevel.
Anders Myren
UIB, IT, sound and fun.
This is me testing Firefish to see if I should move from Mastodon ( So if you got a follow request from me, it's becuase I importet the people I follow - but I haven't imported the people who follow me yet.
OK, now comes the bio:
#Teacher: #Maths, #Music and #SocialStudies.
#Nerd: #BoardGames, #Tech and well made stuff. Some current favourites are Hansa Teutonica, Cleanshot X and loopwheeled sweatshirts.
#Music - #Bass (’61 P-bass) in a band called Klondike. Aspiring rig builder, under the name Erlend Mekker Nice.
#Blog - Trying to collect my weird thoughts on my varied interest over at (🇳🇴🇬🇧).
#Dog - Vincent. Eurasier and good boy.
#Oslo, #Norway
Some basic #Values: We should stop destroying our planet, distribute wealth way more fairly, and let people live the way they want to as long as they don't hurt other people (like loving who they love, being the gender they are, practicing their religion, and liking the things they like).
#Teacher: #Maths, #Music and #SocialStudies.
#Nerd: #BoardGames, #Tech and well made stuff. Some current favourites are Hansa Teutonica, Cleanshot X and loopwheeled sweatshirts.
#Music - #Bass (’61 P-bass) in a band called Klondike. Aspiring rig builder, under the name Erlend Mekker Nice.
#Blog - Trying to collect my weird thoughts on my varied interest over at (🇳🇴🇬🇧).
#Dog - Vincent. Eurasier and good boy.
I think you're OK until proven otherwise.
Computer Engineer and Tech geek
Tooting in Norwegian and English
For the bep-bop's: #nobot #noindex
Stian Slotterøy Johnsen
Fotball-, teknologi- og politikkinteressert generalsekretær i Frivillighet Norge. Spør meg gjerne om frivillige organisasjoner, sivilsamfunn eller momskompensasjon! Prøver for tiden ut Mastodon mens jeg venter på hva som skjer med Twitter hvor jeg er @sosialestian.