*Trans*itional State Dictator salad_bar_breath@todon.nl
English: they/she
Español: elle/ella
Polski: Ona
Cat mom, veganarchist, amateur radio operator, math nerd and programmer, EMT, martial arts student.
18+ only followers please.
Gray ace & demisexual (but sex+), lesbian with theoretical pansexual tendencies, nb trans fem woman.
All OC licensed CC0 (unless otherwise noted), attribution appreciated but not required (please don't attribute on Facebook).
Tips are appreciated: linktr.ee/rynynite
shine @shine@gts.churanova.eu
Rustacean, craftswoman, geek, she/her
Flowercrown Foxgirl, et al. @careth@fedi.lesbianforest.club
she/they, nonbinary transfeminine plural system, (mostly) lesbians, aceflux?, polyamorous, autistic, anarchists, goofy, geeky (computers, audio/music, sci-fi), caring.
New account but not new to the fediverse.
Chronologically 40ish but mentally/appearancewise 25/30ish (thanks plural/queer time and/or estradiol :P).