New instance on GoToSocial since 06.01.2023
#family #orgmode #bujo #martialarts #systema #escrima #wingtsun #grappling #mma #DIY #computer #linux #foss #security #dataprivacy #java #android #selfhosting #yunohost #agile #projectmanagement #frugalism #minimalism #bicycle #fun #glutenfree #celiacic #ukulele #parenting #german # English #Italian #French #Stuttgart #boeblingen #sindelfingen #Aidlingen #badenwuerttemberg
Sandra 🇺🇦💙💛 💚
#StandWithUkraine 🇺🇦💙💛 #fcknzs #noAfD #noSVP #Klimakatastrophe #Umweltschutz #Vegan 💚🌱 #LGBTQIA+ #Menschenrechte #TeamWissenschaft
Martin :verified_coffee: :tux:
Papa von 2+2, Pendler zwischen Ost und Süd
Oracle / MySQL / PostgreSQL DBA, Linux, *NIX, *BSD
Viel zu wenig Zeit für #retrocomputing, #XBOX
Wolfgang Feist
Thinks, that the human species is worth surviving on planet Earth. And knows, that we'll have to protect this wonderful planet.
The consumption of fossil fuels is the by far most extensive irreversible change humans force on Earths biosphere. This can be changed and key for such a change is the improvement of energy efficiency. Results of our research can be found on
Musiker, Climate 1.5° Lützilebt 🚴 @dwenteignen Twitter @frentzhart2, TennisBorussia 💚
Satz auf einem #Lützerath Transparent :
"They tried to bury us.
They didn't know we were seeds."
"Sie wollten uns begraben.
Sie wussten nicht, dass wir Samen waren."
macht #Kunst
statt #Krieg
#nonazis #noafd
Was ist Not-wendig?
#Frieden #Gnade
#cycling #freeSoftware #mathematics #computerscience #gardening #history #fahrrad #vélo #bicicleta Kampfgärtner und #fediLZ-interessiert ohne L zu sein
Meist in der #Fahrradbubble 🚲 aber auch viel #Politik 📑 #Avgeek #CAVOK #NOSIG ✈️ #Travel 🧳 #Berge 🥾 #Techstuff #ITler 📱👨💻 auf der Suche nach #Wohlstandsverwahrlosung und #DontLookUp Und: lustige Tiere 🦮🐈🦦🦝🐿 #München
#ehemann #vatervondrei #safetyengineer #kodinerd #unraiduser
Ding :verified:
I do tech stuff & post random crap.
Chief Nerd for a financial SaaS company.
Wannabe Sci-Fi Author 📚
Tree Hugger / planter 🌎
I play bass 🎸& bari sax 🎷 but not well
NZ (Wellington) / US(NC)
#tech #nztwit #green #sax #nz #tarheel #geneology #wellington #cats
Softwareentwickler bei Tag & Schachfan in der Nacht
Antifaschist | Europäer | Rostocker | Radfahrer
Silicanus (new instance!)
Migrating from
gae silicaboy comin for that asbestussy. dont bully me, i'll cum
fuck the state (but not like that)
miners DNI, i oppose stripping the earth of its natural resources. (ok but seriously this is a horny shitposting account, content may be considered inappropriate for countries bound by the Geneva Conventions and maybe minors).
i get more twinks than you
Mal wieder einen neuen Fedi-Dienst testen.
(Noch) primär als unterwegs.