Tamás Gulácsi tamas@social.gulacsi.eu

Open on social.gulacsi.eu

#magyar #fedi22 #introvert #golang #plsql programmer.
Mostly harmless, quiet (toots rarely).

This instance uses #gotosocial


Przemek Peron @huan@itdev.social

https://ITDev.social mastodon server admin.

Lead Developer at https://sonnenglas.net.

Co-founder of https://greenfieldconf.pl conference and dev@ZG meetup.

System admin and full-stack developer. Coding in #golang#php#typescript and #dart.

Former #zxspectrum user but still into #retrogaming. #nintendoswitch owner.

Dog: #czechoslovakianwolfdog

Juan Alvarez @nebiros@fosstodon.org

passionate about software development #golang #ios #java #javascript #objc #ruby #swiftlang, mostly #golang these days

Nándor Horváth @nandorhorvath@mastodon.social

Ishan @ishands@hachyderm.io

Self taught developer | Windows free since '13!

Dastan @dastanfury@indieweb.social

#magyar #fedi22

Graham Barr @gbarr@hachyderm.io

NemCsak1Wik @TokeViktor@mastodon.online

@nanasiagi magasembere

Amíg nem ismersz, ne mondj semmit rólam!

jaynak @jaynak@mstdn.ca

Zsolt B. @zsotykai@mas.to

~50 years old geek from Hungary, Central Europe. Been working with Linux since the end of '90s, SuSE, Gentoo, earlier. Nowadays Arch, Ubuntu, Manjaro and a bit of CentOS due to work. Always loved it (esp. the scripting, CLI parts), but nowadays tending towards leadership roles I'm a bit distancing.
You can find me in libraries, boardgame parties, and at wine-tasings too :)

Karoly Kass @karolykassjr@mstdn.social

Engineer 🦅 | hobby: photography 📷

Amirography @Amirography@fosstodon.org

Let there be code...
In Go.
And (my boss willing) in Rust. (Please?)
NixOS, Immutable, Backend and other stuff as well.

@banantunder :verified: @banantunder@mstdn.social