Lukáš Tyrychtr

Open on

A visually impaired programmer trying to improve accessibility of Gnome as much as he can.
And, yes, a guy who likes science fiction and going about with friends.


Miek Gieben - DNS, LEGO and Gopher

…might work for coffee…

Peter Vágner

Father, geek, sysadmin from slovakia. I like to party with friends, work with new technologies, I am relying on screen reader accessibility. I prefer open-source and self-hosted apps and services.

Diego Veralli

"Anche se voi vi credete assolti, siete lo stesso coinvolti"
Fabrizio De Andrè

Paweł Masarczyk

Somewhere between podcasting, accessibility testing, travelling and tweeting in Braille. #a11y #Android #iOS #music #languages pol/eng

socat TCP-LISTEN:1337

Admin of - Infosec curious, automation enthusiast. Former Ubuntu and Kubernetes contributor. #nobot

Random follow requests with no context (eg never interacted before) will be rejected.

Javier Dorado

Programador, Sysadmin aficionado, Consultor en Accesibilidad web y apps.
Padre de una niña maravillosa,
Me gusta la música y la lectura, compartir con los amigos, las mascotas, tengo un gatito naranja llamado Bruno.


Anarchist. Working on, towards computing without fear.

Bataladas por miaj amikoj al la fino de la mondo.

Sponsor my work: /


Automate Everything 🖖 | SRE at @cultureamp All views are my own.

Low Quality Facts

Low Quality Facts written in arguably lower quality handwriting.

Real Social Networks

Gateway to the real social media

Lovingly, handwritten reposts from the dark side of the force ...oops.... Social media


Tor zu den wirklich sozialen Medien

Liebevoll, handgeschriebene Reposts von der dunklen Seite der Macht ...oops... Social Media