I'm @y6nH on (and GitHub, etc.) I code some web stuff and dabble in design. I make music and pictures sometimes.
Crows call me nut lady
Berlin-based transfeminist, lecturer, sysad. Nerds about feminism, as well as Linux/BSD, networks, DIY, SciFi,zombies
Liaizon Wakest (old account)
I moved to @liaizon
If you can summarize yourself in a sentence you're doing it wrong.
:spacecore: Huey
Friendly but not very chatty. Now Officially Autistic. Coder. Musician. Vegetarian. Has excellent cat. They/them or ey/em pronouns. Locked account, but likely to approve your follow request.
Hugh (old account)
FInd me on
Just a truck driving, podcasting, guitar playing dad that loves indie music and FOSS. I'm not a coder or a hacker. Nor do I know enough of any one thing to be an expert in. I am a Linux user that uses it daily because I believe in the philosophy and I don't have to know how to code to use it. I am your end user! Making my world go to self hosting and entering into the Fediverse.
Vishnu Varatharajan
โ This accurately depicts the essence of my being.
หหห wakest หหห
a #hyperstition is needed
Software #developer with a passion for #opensource, who enjoys #golang way too much. Made glow, beehive, knoxite, duf and a bunch of other cool things.
If it got a firmware, I'll flash it.