Wisdom WisdomExplained@mastodon.sdf.org
Microblog about Philosophy and Psychology. All tweets have passed Socrates' triple filter test. 100% human made.
Alex Schroeder @alex@social.alexschroeder.ch
Biology, Plants, Birds, Photography, Switzerland, Emacs, Wiki, Gemini, Programming, Tea, Drawing, Music. Moving over from kensanata@octodon.social, slowly.
Languages: gsw de en fr pt.
Neil Darlow :gotosocial: :xmpp: @neil@fedi.darlow.co.uk
Electronics and Software Design engineer. Free Software advocate and long-time GNU/Linux user.
Likes 3D Printing, Electronics, GNU/Linux, Programming, Self-hosting Services, System Administration and Voice Recording.
I have gender and political views but I will not be expressing them on this platform.
#archlinux #biqu #c #cplusplus #cura #fedora #flsun #freebsd #freecad #gnome #kicad #libreoffice #linux #markdown #marlin #platformio #prusaslicer #silverblue #vscodium #xmpp