da_667 da_667@infosec.exchange

Open on infosec.exchange

I write NSM rules. I wrote books on how to create flexible virtual machine lab environments for just about any IT-related educational purpose (leanpub.com/avatar2). That's my contribution to the sisyphean task that is cybersecurity.

Do you like violence? Of course you do.

Work-Related hashtags:
#Iocs #ThreatIntel #DFIR #Malware #NSM #suricata #snort #BEC #phishing #APT #ThreatDetection

#VideoGames #XCOM2 #Minecraft #Synthetik #Fallout #Skyrim #Anime #Manga #Adventure #Fantasy #Isekai #HomeImprovement #WoodWorking #MetalWorking #HomeLab


fraggLe! @fwaggle@hungryhacker.com

I play #videogames and sometimes leave the house.

For work, I do security things for a WordPress host, which means I'm always busy.

Talk to me about #retrogaming, #retrocomputing, #arcade games, and recreational #sysadmin.