🏳️‍⚧️ ImmyChan 🏳️‍⚧️ immychan@antabaka.me

Open on antabaka.me

Trans girl 🏳️‍⚧️
Aspiring Minimalist

Host of @LinuxLounge
Taken by @Leon_Awooo
Matrix: @immychan:matrix.org
Give Me A Virtual Hug: https://huggle.jdf2.org/hug/ImmyChan
Donate: https://immychan.neocities.org/Donate.html


Dragonfox called Sophie @littlefox@gotosocial-dev.svc.0x0a.network

Building clouds, crashing servers, writing my own OS and tinkering with electronics - but here I just ~have blue hair~ test GoToSocial ^^

I'm that dragonfox at @LittleFox and really need a new instance .. ^^'

Call me Mara, Sophie, Luna or Saphira!